Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday Mural - Annandale Golf

Andy | Monday, September 17, 2012 | Best Blogger Tips

Annandale Golf And Curling Club is located in Ajax, Ontario and has four murals painted on the outside wall. The first mural was so badly covered with shrubs growing that I could not get a photo of it. Mural #2 represents the golfing that happens here.


This one represents the curling that takes place inside of the building.


There is no artist name on any of the murals. So I can't give credit. I'm not sure about this one but I think it has something to do with academics. These photos are a few months old and since that time the shrubs have been removed. After the that the murals were painted over and are gone forever. I'm linking to Monday Mural.


  1. I think it is so sad when the murals are painted over! There is a lot of work that goes into doing them...sad that there is no appreciate of the art! Glad you got the photos of the ones you could! These are very nice!

  2. I do like the scale and the looseness of thes murals.

  3. aaargh, I was feeling so hopeful for a moment......

  4. I can't believe that they painted them over!!!

    1. I think I will stop by and ask them one day. They would never have lasted anyway because the whole golf course is slat for a housing subdivision sometime in the future.

  5. Never played any of these games. Last one makes a good contrast, which makes one wonder, whether these are sports for the wealth only.
    Please have a good Tuesday.

    daily athens photo

  6. the murals look as if they had been there a long time. hopefully they will be replaced by something new and fresh.

    1. They do have that look of needing a revitalizing paint job. I really did not pay much attention to murals until a couple of years ago. That's when I stared photo graphing them. Now my eyes are always on the lookout for them.

  7. The middle one is pretty good. I wonder if they painted them over to provide a base for the next round of murals or if they have gone in another direction.

  8. Golf I understand... curling not so much.

  9. I played once at this club last year, but I don't remember the murals. The golf course is rather forgettable too...
